Api Reference


This module provides BB8 bot implementation.

class bb8.bot.BB8(extensions, search, **options)

Bot implementation class.

It wires all dependencies required by extensions and loads different cogs.

  • extensions (list) – the list of extensions module names, that are loaded to bot.
  • search (obj) – the card search class
  • command_prefix (str) – the prefix of all commands.
  • description (str) – the bot description

The callback for logging that commands are ready for use.


This module provides bot commands and event listeners.

class bb8.cogs.SWCardSearch(bot)

This class provides command for searching Star Wars Destiny cards.

It also tries to parse card mentions from regular messages in channel and send results back to enhance conversation.

Cards must be mentioned in format [[term]] to be recognized by bot.

Parameters:bot (obj) – the bot instance where command should be registered.

The callback that tries to parse card mentions from all messages sent to channel.

Callback ignores messages from sent by bot and after it is done with its processing, it forwards it to other registered commands.

Parameters:message (obj) – the message received from Discord channel.


Provides different Discord embed renderings.

class bb8.embed.CardDetail(card, emojis)

Renders embed with card details.


Constructs footer line containing illustrator, set membership and position.


Tony Fotti • Awakenings # 64
Returns:the footer line describing card set and illustrator
Return type:str

Renders card detail as Discord Embed.

Returns:the rendered embed

Constructs card text by substituting icons with emojis and adding dice sides iconography.


  • Deal 2 Damage to each of an opponent’s characters.

Discard this upgrade from play.

Returns:the card text and dice description
Return type:str

Construct card’s type containing faction, affiliation and rarity as well as cost.


Character: Villain - Rogue - Rare • Points: 8/11 • Health: 8
class bb8.embed.CardEmbed(card)

Provides base for all card embeds.

Parameters:card – the card which embed should be rendered for.

Gets faction colour of card.

class bb8.embed.CardImage(card)

Renders embed with full-size image.


Renders card image as Discord Embed.


This module provides Star Wars Destiny cards fuzzy search.


This example shows simple fuzzy search:

$ search = Search()
$ search.find_card("captain phasma")
class bb8.search.Search(db_client=None)

Searches for Star Wars Destiny cards based on their label.

Parameters:db_client (obj) – The client to get cards from datastore. (default: SWDestinyDBClient)

Finds card with label closest to given text. If no card was found, it returns None. Score (0-100) is assigned to each potential and only matches with score > 50 are considered.

Parameters:text (string) – the partial label of card.
Returns:the card closest to given text
Return type:dict


SWDestinyDB handling module.

This module provides utilities for communication with SWDestinyDB API. At the moment, it only supports public endpoints.


A short usage example of getting card by its key:

$ client = SWDestinyClient()
$ client.get_card("01001")
class bb8.swdestinydb.SWDestinyDBClient(base_url=None, format='json', session=None)

API client for StarWars Destiny DB.

Supports only publicly available endpoints. See official docs for more details.

  • base_url (str) – The url where api resources can be found. (default: https://swdestinydb.com/api/public)
  • format (str) – The expected output format. (default: json)
  • session (obj) – The HTTP session to communicate with API (default: requests.Session())

Gets card with given key.

See card docs for more details.

Parameters:key (str) – The card identifier
Returns:The Card with given key.
Return type:dict

Gets all cards.

If set_code is provided, it only returns cards from given set. See cards docs for more details.

Parameters:set_code (str) – The code of set cards should be from, e.g ‘AW’. (default: None)
Returns:The list of found cards
Return type:list(dict)

Gets decklist by its identifier.

See decklist docs for more details.

Parameters:key (str) – The decklist identifier
Returns:The decklist with given key

Gets all available competitive formats.

See format docs for more details.

Returns:The list of available competitive formats

Gets all available sets.

See sets docs for more details.

Returns:The list of available card sets
exception bb8.swdestinydb.UnsupportedFormat

The exception thrown if requested format is not supported by client.